Castletown Station’s 150th Day : 2nd August 2024
Organised by the dedicated Friends Of... volunteer group, Friday 2nd August saw a community event at Castletown Station to commemorate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its opening with a variety of attractions including No.5 Mona on display, carriage shuttle rides on the Foxdale Coach behind No.24 Betsy and No.25 Sprout, recently repainted by Association volunteers on display. At 6.45pm a blue heritage plaque, funded by Castletown Heritage, was unveiled by The Hon. J.A. Brown, former Chief Minister and president of the volunteer group, the presence of invited guests including the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Lorimer and representatives of the town commissioners, supporting organisations, the Association, Department of Infrastructure and transport division. An anniversary guide to the station compiled by Association Secretary Grant Taylor and priced at £5.00 with all proceeds to the Friends Of... was also launched at the event.