Crosby Station

Station Name:

Date Opened:

Date(s) Closed:

Lines Served:


Postal Address:

From Douglas:

Current Status:


1st July 1873

8th  September 1968

Peel / Ramsey

Station Road, Crosby.

4 Miles, 60 Chains

Lifted (Lodge Remains)

Established as a crossing point for the opening of the line in 1873, the station boasted a long passing loop capable of crossing trains of up to twelve carriages; it also had two goods sidings, one of which served a cattle dock, and its own timber goods shed; at the eastern end of the site was a level crossing which had its own stone-built lodge in common with others along the line.

No platforms were ever installed here, carriages being designed to be boarded and alighted at ground level with dual running boards; there was a large advertisement hoarding next to the goods shed to conceal the manure siding which stretched as far as the rear of the station building.  The goods shed here was unique and of a Swiss Chalet style.

The small cattle dock was rail accessible and survived until closure, the site was cleared in 1975 leaving only the crossing keepers’ lodge on the eastern end of the station side beyond the level crossing. 

Station Building | Cattle Dock | Goods Shed | Gatekeepers Hut | Advertisement Hoarding

An early view of the station with a train arriving from the east, running bunker first to Peel so possibly shedded there.

Between trains in June 1963 showing the level crossing, long passing loop and the familiar station building to the right.