Brake Van Er.9

This van was constructed in-house by the Manx Northern Railway at their Ramsey Works in 1895 as No.19; upon the merger in 1905 it was later renumbered and became Er.9, the small “r” denoting its Manx Northern Railway origins in common with other inherited rolling stock.  It later became renumbered as the second E.1 following the scrapping of the first incarnation.  It had the duckets removed in 1940 and went on to see further use as a general goods van.  It survived latterly stored in the former goods yard at Douglas Station and was scrapped in 1974; it was destroyed as part of the Ballasalla Bonfire in 1974, one of the last surviving examples.

I.M.Ry. No.:

M.N.Ry. No.:







Er.9 (Later E.1)


M.N.Ry. Co., Ltd.


7’ 0”

16’ 0”

9’ 6”


Douglas Station in March 1969 and the other surviving north line van Er.10 which retained its ducket.

Panelling detail on surviving sister Er.10 captured by the late Doug Robinson behind the carriage shed.

Late survivor sister Er.X in Douglas Station goods yard in July 1973 with “Loco Dept.” lettering visible.