M.N.Ry. No.8
Purchased for the opening of the Manx Northern Railway on 23rd September 1879 from the Swansea Carriage & Wagon Co. This carriage had a guards’ compartment added early in its career which was short-lived when it was damaged in an accident on 20th July 1905 when struck by an incoming train at Douglas Station; it was shortly thereafter officially removed from the stock list but survived for some time as an oil store at Ramsey. It was one of two to have a small window added to the bulkhead to improve visibility for the guards. The accompanying rendering is entirely conjectural and an imagined colour scheme.
M.N.Ry. No.:
I.M.R. No.:
Wheel Dia.:
6’ 9”
30’ 0”
2’ 3”
24’ 0”
No photos exist of this carriage; here are some of the surviving six-wheelers stored in the open in 1955.
No photos exist of this carriage; one of the others of the series still in use and with its oil lamp housings.
No photos exist of this carriage; here is survivor N.42 stored in the infill shed prior to removal from the island.