Well Wagon No.1
The railway’s original well wagon was of four-wheel construction and latterly carried the erroneous legend W.W.2 on its solebar and was painted in red oxide giving rise to the rumour that another vehicle had preceded it. It was in fact constructed for transporting the tractor in connection with the gravel pit at St. John's and survived in occasional use until the railway events of 1998's Steam 125 after which it was withdrawn and later scrapped, the wheelsets and some parts being used to form the basis of the second well wagon in 2006. Reference in James Boyd’s works to a second one being constructed with “with bogies” appear to have compounded this myth over time.
During February of 2023 the replacement well wagon (No.2) outside the goods shed Castletown Station following winter flailing duties.
In August of 2019 the replacement (No.2) well wagon was on Road Zero at Douglas Station carrying the boiler of No.10 G.H. Wood.
November 2013 and the replacement was in use by permanent way teams carrying a caterpillar digger stowed at Ballasalla Station.