Ticket Types
There is no official classification of the printing styles of I.M.R. tickets, so these have been arbitrarily classified them as type “A” for the 1873 issue, type “B” for 1874, and so on to type “Z” for the c.1965 printing variations which are roughly contemporary, recognising that in some (Types “D1”, “B2” a single small group which can be accurately pin-pointed as exactly contemporary issued for June 1876 is concerned, whereas in others (type “S”) many printings covering a'aecade or so . around 194Crwill be included. There area number of minor commonly recurring printing variations which aro indicated by a suffix. For example on .15 each half of return tickets the destination is shown in block capitals; :where the nand is short, serifed type face is normally used, whereas in 'Ii longer station namesraver nine letters, space.has to be saved by sans . CN serifed lettering; occasionally a short named station is printed in sans'. 03 . serifed for no apparent reason. . Such variants'are indicated by a suffix,' TI e.g. U2b. (Kirk Michael appears in sans serift occasionally this is shortened to “Michael” and serifed type is then used). '''" hi Si 2h6 lord Ansa issues-differ in almost'all respects•from the original .m'' tl Company's tickets,' and frah'each other, and, are not given classification t•-- '' Totters. .7hey are described by their date's of first issuei.19671 69, 71, . • i.• " B -14: i:c.....• ..•-,.. .:.-. ,.; •: .:•x, 4.-etr : 46:3.: -...- ....:13.;N::”: ...•(0:1 *ION :. ''. :::: r:. t ,-/.: NmIC:e 11 0 ittrprEns