Cattle Vans K.13 (i) - K.16

The enterprising Railway Company re-used the underframes from three former four-wheel carriages in 1912 as an experiment while the carriage bodies went on to be mounted onto bogie underframes to become pairs carriages.  It was common practice to recycle rolling stock parts to fashion new or replacement vehicles in this manner.  The first three used numbers of scrapped vans, the final one becoming a new K.16, this number having not previously been allocated.

K.13 (i) was constructed on the redundant underframes of four-wheel carriage B.12, becoming “sheep truck”   K.13A in 1924 and was scrapped three years later.  K.14 (i) similarly used the frames of C.5 becoming “sheep truck” K.14A in 1924 and was scrapped in 1944.  K.15 (i) was mounted on the frames ex-B.3 and scrapped after an incident at Foxdale Station in 1918.  K.16 reused the frames of four-wheeler B.5 and was scrapped in 1947.









K.13 (i) - K.16

I.M.R. Co.


14’ 6”

6’ 6”

8’ 6”

8’ 0

All Scrapped

Members of the later “K” series vans in the goods yard Douglas Station awith the one on the far right being a roofless version.

September 1952 and van K.20 is in the goods yard at Ramsey Station on mart duty in the later pale grey livery.

In May 1938 K.22 was captured at St. Germain’s Station, note the bullock being transported to the mart.