Around The Workshops : 22nd July

With the Summer Transport Festival commencing tomorrow, there has been much movement around the workshops this week; M.N.Ry. No.4 Caledonia is heading to Knockaloe Farm with No.8 Fenella going to the site of Peel Station; the Foxdale Coach will be back in traffic for the event and with the “S” timetable in force today, No.1 Loch and No.11 Maitland are being prepared for service; No.13 Kissack is based out of Port Erin Station at the moment.

No.9 Douglas is in the rear of the workshops complex with the ballast tamper, work continues on F.11 and Empress Van F.28 is currently in the paint shop; restored six-wheeler M.N.Ry. No.6 is also in the running shed although will not feature as part of the advertised special train, although it will be available for viewing during the festival.  No.18 Ailsa was in the yard this morning having shunted the service carriages out, and M.N.Ry. No.4 Caledonia is in the yard.

The railway is operating to the “S” timetable today and the southern terminus will host a line up of locomotives raising the curtain on a week-long celebration featuring all the railways and tramways on the island tomorrow, 23rd July.  Cale left home metals this morning bound for Knockaloe Farm.