Progress On No.5 Mona  : 1st April

Association volunteers were on site at Port St. Mary Station yesterday continuing their official project to cosmetically restore No.5 Mona in time for the anniversary celebrations later this year.  The opportunity was taken on a fine day to drag the locomotive outside and refit all of the brake rods, thus allowing the refitting of the back sandpipes and cab steps.  Also refitted were the the gauge glass fittings in the cab, and trial fitting of a Sharp Stewart injector (possibly from M.N.Ry. No.1 or M.N.Ry. No.2).  The mechanism for the front sandboxes and front top sandpipes were also attached, and a new central piece in the coal bunker tacked down.  Volunteers also swept the shed floor clean whilst the engine was outside

Professional painters will be starting work on the locmotive next month applying the topcoat of spring green and lining the locomotive out, there is still plenty left to be complete in the meantime including cleaning the brass dome cover and fitting other ancillary parts so the locomotive looks its best on 1st July which heralds the anniversary of the opening of the Peel Line in 1873.  The railway is running to timetable “R”  throughout this month, but there will be no services on 4th, 5th, 25th or 26th, see the timetable for full details.