Well Wagon No.3

Constructed in-house by the railway, this bogie well wagon is capable of accommodating two locomotive boilers placed back to back as pictured below, and utilises redundant diamond frame carriage bogies; it is sloped for access at one end to allow a road vehicle to be driven directly onto it but has never served this purpose, the plan to create gated access at the end of Road Zero at Douglas Station has yet to reach fruition; at the present time it is stowed on the former Peel Line siding outside Douglas Station and carries the boiler of No.9 Douglas which will be reunited with the frames as the Association’s cosmetic restoration progresses.


August 2020 and the bogie well wagon (No.3) was on Road Zero at Douglas Station carrying the boilers of No.9 Douglas and No.10 G.H. Wood.

The bogie well wagon (No.3) at Douglas Station carrying the boilers of No.9 Douglas and No.10 G.H. Wood in the running shed, note the tamper.

October 2019 and the bogie well wagon (No.3) was on empty in the running shed Douglas Station awaiting its next use by permanent way teams.